Michael Sata recently picked up a rather dubious endorsement. In an article published in The London Daily Mail and then this weekend in the Post, Journalist Peter Hitchens backed Mr. Sata in the upcoming by-election for the presidency of Zambia on October 30, 2008.
The reason for the endorsement was based on Mr. Sata’s avowed dislike of the Chinese living and working in Zambia. The logic behind Hitchen’s endorsement is that by supporting Sata, it will be a knock for what Hitchens has called a new Chinese Imperialism that he claims is bringing more corruption to Africa.
There is no doubt that development in Africa has been held back by corruption, but endorsing a politician that has never been able to keep a Ministerial job because scandal has followed him everywhere is ludicrous!
Dating back to the early 1990s scandals and corruption have followed Sata like stink follows a rubbish tip. Putting Michael Sata in charge of Zambia and expecting him to clean up corruption in the country is like putting the patient in charge of the asylum.
Ironically, the endorsement has come just at the time that Michael Sata has found it politically necessary to flip flop his viewpoint on the issue of the Chinese in Zambia. Only recently did the Post publish an article about him being friends and welcoming Chinese investors and here he is now, wanting them out again. Such puerile turncoat behaviour is hardly suitable for someone who wants to lead a nation. World leaders and the international community would condemn such inability to be decisive instantly.
Michael Sata also lacks the necessary skills to be his country’s leader. He has made his name as a stone thrower, a party wrecker and a rebel. He is not a man that works well with other people; the city of Lusaka is presently without a mayor because he has sacked the previous incumbent. 26 MPs and 380 members of the PF have left the party in disgust. They now have come out and are publicly supporting Rupiah Banda’s campaign to be President.
What Zambia needs is leadership that can continue the recent success that has brought economic stability, and not a Michael Sata presidency that will return Zambia to the bad old days of corrupt and abusive government which plagues so many African nations.
1 comment:
This blog is a disappointment to any decent patriotic Zambia. Politics of hatred and character assassination are long gone but should be issue based. My advice! Come out in the open; tell us your candidate and what your candidate will do for Zambia. Period
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