A little noticed comment by Michael Sata should worry Zambians very much, in fact there were two very telling comments made which should cause sleepless nights.
One was on his education policy whilst the other was on foreign policy. Between them they are probably the most ignorant and damaging policy ideas from a politician in modern history. Today’s Mail (16 Oct) reports on Sata’s visit to Mansa yesterday at which he made the two comments, judge for yourself: Education – The Mail reports Sata as saying that his government would do away with basic education and instead promote secondary education by constructing more schools.
How on earth does Sata intend to fill these secondary schools if he has done away with basic education? We are not all born with basic education. Every person knows that the most important time in a child’s life, in terms of health and education, are the first few years. Will his next education policy be to scrap secondary schools and build more Universities? So, Zambians, if you want to be an uneducated, illiterate nation just go ahead and vote for Sata. Make the most of it because after a few years of his rule hardly any Zambian will be able to read a ballot paper!
His second slip up was on how he views foreigners. In the 2006 elections he professed hatred of foreigners, especially the Chinese. This time around, actually from about four weeks ago he suddenly says he loves all foreigners, even posing for photos with Chinese people. This site highlighted Sata’s interview with extreme right-wing British journalist Peter Hitchens (see blog of 6th October). In that interview he clearly goes back to his foreigner hating roots. Well yesterday he was back on form again when he said, “We don’t need to run to China to come and develop our country, Zambians are the owners of the resources and they are the first investors”.
The man still does not understand what it takes to develop and run a modern economy. It is a fact of life that in today’s world countries invest in other countries, foreign companies invest in foreign countries. Sata’s ideas for Zambia’s economic future are well and truly stuck in the dark ages. I wonder if he will spurn all that foreign aid money which flows into Zambia each year. After all things like Malaria and Aids are under control in Sata’s world. At least he can say ‘no’ to all that money which goes into education…he will have no basic schools to invest it in! If Sata gets his way then Zambia will be isolated on the international stage, and that cannot be right.
If you think Zimbabwe has gone down the drain, just wait until you experience Zambia under Sata. What an ignorant man!
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